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An eco-friendly and sustainable fashion brand from Hong Kong.

我哋係香港環保時裝品牌 - 生生記 -


Nothing is truly wasted until it is being wasted.

In 2ECOND LIFE, we believe that fashion does not have to be ‘fast’ and ‘wasteful’, like the way it is now.  There are many ways for us to strike a better balance between modern ways of living and the well-being of our planet.  And we want to bring those better choices to you, and to Hong Kong. 
That is the core vision behind 2ECOND LIFE - to create Sustainable and Durable fashion.

We source different recycled materials worldwide, locally tailor our products based on materials' nature, apply simple but long-lasting design, craft our product locally, while carefully leveraging every possible inch to reduce wastage.
Nothing is truly wasted until it is being wasted.
All we need is a bit of creativity. Let’s bring more second lives to life!

近二十年來fast fashion所帶來更嚴重嘅環境污染問題, 令我哋不禁反思:如何喺社會進步, 提高生活質素嘅同時, 地球唔會進一步被破壞?  


建立Sustainable & Durable Fashion, 讓一件合身嘅衣服陪伴你更長久, 係2ECOND LIFE創辦嘅理念, 同時亦係我哋想帶俾大家嘅體驗。除咗吸納新研發嘅環保布料, 我哋同時善用傳統布料嘅特性, 因時制宜地設計出每個季節你所需要嘅基本單品, 再交由本地師傅逐一縫製, 務求唔浪費每塊布料嘅每一分, 每一寸。


2ECOND LIFE中文又名為「生生記」, 寄語萬物之間生生不息, 方能長久永恆。

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